Project |
Type |
Location |
Big Patuxent Bridge
Client: Baltimore & Potomac Railroad |
Bischoff Residence
dwelling |
Bishop Field Estate
(Lenox, Massachusetts)
Bliss Residence
Client: Bliss, General Zena |
dwelling |
(Fort Asinniaboine)
Block of houses
dwelling |
Blum Store
store |
Boarding House
boarding house |
Bolling Residence
dwelling |
Boston & Albany Railroad Train Station
Client: Boston & Albany Railroad |
train station |
Bower House
dwelling |
(Manor Road)
Bowie Station, Baltimore & Potomac Railroad
train station |
Boyd Residence
Client: Boyd, Lawrence V. |
dwelling |
Brandywine Shoal Lighthouse
lighthouse |
(Delaware River)
Brick Poultry House
chicken coop |
Bridge Over Harlem River
bridge |
Bridgman Building
Brigham Hopkins Building
Brimmer Residence
Client: Brimmer, Mr. and Mrs. William |
dwelling |
Valley Hill Trail (town unidentified)
Brookside Junior High School
school |
Brown Coach House
Client: Brown, D. S. |
stable |
Brown Memorial Church, Parsonage
parsonage |
Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Chapel
chapel |
625 Montgomery Ave.
(Bryn Mawr, PA)
Bryn Mawr School
school |
Buccaneers Club
clubhouse |
("Wilmette Harbor")
Buckley, Residence
Client: Buckley, Edward S. |
dwelling |
Buffalo County Court House
courthouse |
Client: Suspension Transportation Company |
Buildings of Louisiana; Buildings of Louisiana
Burnett Residence
Client: Burnett, E. S. |
dwelling |
Butcher's Smoke House
Client: M. Binstock |
store |
2165 Center Ave (Pittsburgh, PA)
C. Morton Stewart Residence
Client: Stewart, C. Mortin |
dwelling |
C. Morton Stewart Residence
Client: Stewart, C. Morton |
dwelling |
C.H. Rowe Company Department Store
Camp Kawanis Kitchen
Client: Freedom Valley Girl Scout Council, Inc. |
Camp Kiwanis
Camp Kiwanis Activities Building
Client: Freedom Valley Girl Scout Council, Inc. |
Camp Kiwanis Pool
Client: Freedom Valley Girl Scout Council, Inc. |
Canton National Bank
bank |
Captain John Gleeson Monument, Cathedral Cemetery
monument |
Carnegie Library
library |
407 S 4th St
(Steubenville, OH)
Carpenter Street Public School
school |
Carr House
dwelling |
Carroll Park Mansion
dwelling |
Carter Stable
Client: Carter, W. J. |
stable |
Castellated Villa
dwelling |
Catholic Church: Diocese of Wilmington
church |
Catholic Church: Diocese of Wilmington
church |
Center for Animal Health & Productivity
Client: University of Pennsylvania, School of Veterinary Medicine |
Central Saving Bank
Century Food Markets Warehouse & Offices
office building warehouse |