Project |
Type |
Location |
Residence & Garden
dwelling garden |
Residence, Service Building
Client: A.M. Thompson |
commercial development dwelling |
(Wildwood, PA)
Reynolds Residence
Client: Reynolds, Susan; Reynolds, Barclay |
dwelling |
Richardson Residence
Client: Richardson, Hugh |
dwelling |
Rick's Discount Foods
store |
Riverside Baptist Church
church |
Robinson Clay Product Company
Client: Robinson Clay Product Company |
Rockwood Museum; Shipley-Bringhurst Mansion
dwelling |
(610 Shipley Rd., Brandywine Hundred South of Arden, Delaware)
Rodman Court
Rosenberg Residence
Client: Rosenberg, Mr. & Mrs. Rayfield A. |
dwelling |
Bishop Hollow Rd
Roslin Castle
castle |
Rowland Garage
Client: Rowland, E. K. |
garage |
Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club
clubhouse |
Rulo Bridge
Client: C. B. & Q. R. R. |
bridge |
(Over Misourri River)
Rumford Residence
Client: Rumford, Samuel |
dwelling |
Barren Hill Rd
(Spring Mill, PA)
Ruth Stable
Client: Ruth, John |
stable |
S. G. F. Vacation Camp Development
S. G. F. Vacation Camp Infirmary Building
Client: Cassett, Louis N., Foundation |
S. G. F. Vacation Camp Latrines
Client: Cassett, Louis N., Foundation |
lavatory |
S. G. F. Vacation Camp Nature Study Building
Client: Cassett, Louis N., Foundation |
S. Leibovitz & Co. Building
Client: S. Leibovitz & Co. |
S. Rosenau & Company Factory
Client: S. Rosenau & Company |
factory |
NE corner of NOBLE ST and Darien St.
Sackler Residence
dwelling |
Sacks Residence
Client: Sacks, Harry |
dwelling |
(Marble Hill, PA)
Saginaw Hotel
hotel |
Saint Katherine's Village Housing Project
Philadelphia, PA
(Between Frankford Avenue and Pennsylvania Railroad right-of-way at Liddonfield Station)
Samuel Ready School
school |
San Juan Theatre
theater |
Sandy Point Farm
Savage Residence
Client: Savage, E. C. |
dwelling |
Schenley High School Building
Client: Board of Education |
school |
(Schenley, PA)
Schmidt Residence
dwelling |
school |
School Building
Client: Board of Education |
school |
(East Millsboro, PA)
School Building
Client: Board of Education |
school |
(Canton, OH)
School Building
Client: Board of Education |
school |
(Loraine Boro., PA)
School Building
Client: Board of Education |
school |
(Woodlawn, PA)
School Building
Client: Board of School Directors near South Fork, PA |
school |
South Fork Borough, Cambria County, PA
(Ehrenfield, near South Fork)
School Building
Client: School Board of Dunbar |
school |
(Dunbar, PA)
School Building
Client: School Board of East Bethlehem, PA |
school |
(Millsboro, PA)
School Building
Client: School Board of East Bethlehem, PA |
school |
(Frederickstown, PA)
School of Design, Somerset Norm(?)
school |
(Somerset England)
Schoolmasters House
Client: Groton School |
dwelling |
Scott Residence
Client: Scott, William C. |
dwelling |
Scull Mausoleum Vault
Client: Scull, William E. |
mausoleum |
Seashore Hotel
hotel |
Seiden Coachhouse
Client: Seiden, Dr. Mollyann |
carriage house |
18 Wilmot Mews
Selig, Sol Residence
Client: Selig, Sol & Bella |
dwelling |
(N.E. Corner of 11th Street & 65th Avenue)
(Oak Lane, PA)